
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control

IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol.53, No.1 Entire volume, number list
ISSN: 0018-9286 (Print) 

In this Issue (24 articles)

247 - 256 Discrete-time expectation maximization algorithms for Markov-modulated Poisson processes
Elliott RJ, Malcolm WR
257 - 272 Design of low-bandwidth spatially distributed feedback
Gorinevsky D, Boyd S, Stein G
273 - 286 Circulant synthesis of central pattern generators with application to control of rectifier systems
Chen ZY, Iwasaki T
287 - 297 A fully automated framework for control of linear systems from temporal, logic specifications
Kloetzer M, Bella C
298 - 306 On gradient-based search for multivariable system estimates
Wills A, Ninness B
307 - 323 Lyapunov measure for almost everywhere stability
Vaidya U, Mehta PG
324 - 338 Cooperative constrained control of distributed agents with nonlinear dynamics and delayed information exchange: A stabilizing receding-horizon approach
Franco E, Magni L, Parisini T, Polycarpou MM, Raimondo DM
339 - 349 Tracking control for an ellipsoidal submarine driven by Kirchhoff's laws
Chambrion T, Sigalotti M
350 - 355 Finite-step approximation error bounds for solving average-reward-controlled Markov set-chains
Chang HS
356 - 360 Finite-time observers: Application to secure communication
Perruquetti W, Floquet T, Moulay E
360 - 367 Stabilization for a class of stochastic nonlinear systems via output feedback
Mu XW, Liu HJ
367 - 373 Multirate-output-feedback-based LQ-optimal discrete-time sliding mode control
Janardhanan S, Kariwala V
373 - 379 Unknown input observers for switched nonlinear discrete time Descriptor systems
Koenig D, Marx B, Jacquet D
379 - 384 An extension of the argument principle and Nyquist criterion to a class of systems with unbounded generators
Fardad M, Bamieh B
384 - 388 Decentralized control of discrete-event systems when supervisors observe particular event occurrences
Huang Y, Rudie K, Lin F
389 - 393 Distributed Probabilistic synchronization algorithms for communication networks
Akar M, Shorten R
393 - 399 L-2-E FIR filters for deterministic continuous-time-state space signal models
Han S, Kwon WH
399 - 405 On l(2) stabilization of linear systems with quantized control
Kameneva T, Nesic D
405 - 412 Feedforward systems with ISS appended dynamics: Adaptive output-feedback stabilization and disturbance attenuation
Krishnamurthy P, Khorrami F
412 - 416 Asymptotic behavior and stability for solutions of a biochemical reactor distributed parameter model
Drame AK, Dochain D, Winkin JJ
417 - 423 Robust stability of LTI systems over semialgebraic sets using sum-of-squares matrix polynomials
Lavaei J, Aghdam AG
423 - 428 Self-bounded subspaces for nonstrictly proper systems and their application to the disturbance decoupling with direct feedthrough matrices
Ntogramatzidis L
428 - 434 Fixed-order controller design for polytopic systems using LMIs
Khatibi H, Karimi A, Longchamp R
434 - 439 Filtered Lyapunov functions and their applications in the stability analysis and control of nonlinear systems
Battilotti S