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A new concept in tidal turbines Tarver BT, Chan JCL, Jo CH International Journal of Energy Research, 40(5), 579, 2016 |
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Integration of cost modelling within the micro-siting design optimisation of tidal turbine arrays Culley DM, Funke SW, Kramer SC, Piggott MD Renewable Energy, 85, 215, 2016 |
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Offshore wind farm site selection study around Jeju Island, South Korea Kim T, Park JI, Maeng J Renewable Energy, 94, 619, 2016 |
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Damage mechanics based design methodology for tidal current turbine composite blades Fagan EM, Kennedy CR, Leen SB, Goggins J Renewable Energy, 97, 358, 2016 |
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Cost assessment methodology for combined wind and wave floating offshore renewable energy systems Castro-Santos L, Martins E, Soares CG Renewable Energy, 97, 866, 2016 |
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Design optimisation and resource assessment for tidal-stream renewable energy farms using a new continuous turbine approach Funke SW, Kramer SC, Piggott MD Renewable Energy, 99, 1046, 2016 |
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Numerical modelling of nearshore wave energy resource in the Sea of Iroise Guillou N, Chapalain G Renewable Energy, 83, 942, 2015 |
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Synthetic mooring ropes for marine renewable energy applications Weller SD, Johanning L, Davies P, Banfield SJ Renewable Energy, 83, 1268, 2015 |
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Spatial variability of waves within a marine energy site using in-situ measurements and a high resolution spectral wave model Ashton I, Van-Nieuwkoop-McCall JCC, Smith HCM, Johanning L Energy, 66, 699, 2014 |