검색결과 : 48건
No. Article
31 A new concept in tidal turbines
Tarver BT, Chan JCL, Jo CH
International Journal of Energy Research, 40(5), 579, 2016
32 Multi-criteria site selection for offshore renewable energy platforms
Cradden L, Kalogeri C, Barrios IM, Galanis G, Ingram D, Kallos G
Renewable Energy, 87, 791, 2016
33 Integration of cost modelling within the micro-siting design optimisation of tidal turbine arrays
Culley DM, Funke SW, Kramer SC, Piggott MD
Renewable Energy, 85, 215, 2016
34 Offshore wind farm site selection study around Jeju Island, South Korea
Kim T, Park JI, Maeng J
Renewable Energy, 94, 619, 2016
35 Damage mechanics based design methodology for tidal current turbine composite blades
Fagan EM, Kennedy CR, Leen SB, Goggins J
Renewable Energy, 97, 358, 2016
36 Cost assessment methodology for combined wind and wave floating offshore renewable energy systems
Castro-Santos L, Martins E, Soares CG
Renewable Energy, 97, 866, 2016
37 Design optimisation and resource assessment for tidal-stream renewable energy farms using a new continuous turbine approach
Funke SW, Kramer SC, Piggott MD
Renewable Energy, 99, 1046, 2016
38 Numerical modelling of nearshore wave energy resource in the Sea of Iroise
Guillou N, Chapalain G
Renewable Energy, 83, 942, 2015
39 Synthetic mooring ropes for marine renewable energy applications
Weller SD, Johanning L, Davies P, Banfield SJ
Renewable Energy, 83, 1268, 2015
40 Spatial variability of waves within a marine energy site using in-situ measurements and a high resolution spectral wave model
Ashton I, Van-Nieuwkoop-McCall JCC, Smith HCM, Johanning L
Energy, 66, 699, 2014