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Regeneration and sulfur recovery of Lanxess Lewatit AF 5 catalyst from the acidic Albion leaching process using toluene and tetrachloroethylene as organic solvents Marzoughi O, Li L, Pickles C, Ghahreman A Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 107, 291, 2022 |
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Phase transformation and roasting kinetics of cobalt-rich copper sulfide ore in oxygen atmosphere assisted by sodium sulfate Li X, Liu Y, Yang W, Ma B, Chen Y, Wang C Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 116, 217, 2022 |
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항균 폴리유산 복합재료의 열적 및 기계적 물성 김석준, 노은기 Polymer(Korea), 46(5), 684, 2022 |
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Copper sulfide derived nanoparticles supported on carbon for the electrochemical reduction of carbon dioxide van Oversteeg CHM, Rosales MT, Helfferich KH, Ghiasi M, Meeldijk JD, Firet NJ, Ngene P, Donega CD, de Jongh PE Catalysis Today, 377, 157, 2021 |
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Toward green flotation: Interaction of a sophorolipid biosurfactant with a copper sulfide Dhar P, Havskjold H, Thornhill M, Roelants S, Soetaert W, Kota HR, Chernyshova I Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 585, 386, 2021 |
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Chemically synthesized copper sulfide nanoflakes on reduced graphene oxide for asymmetric supercapacitors Bulakhe RN, Alfantazi A, Lee YR, Lee MY, Shim JJ Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 101, 423, 2021 |
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Shape-controlled synthesis of copper based multinary sulfide catalysts for enhanced photocatalytic hydrogen evolution Sarilmaz A, Yanalak G, Aslan E, Ozel F, Patir IH, Ersoz M Renewable Energy, 164, 254, 2021 |
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In-situ chemical vapor deposition to fabricate Cuprous oxide/copper sulfide core-shell flowers with boosted and stable wide-spectral region photocatalytic performance Fu YQ, Li Q, Liu JN, Jiao YQ, Hu S, Wang H, Xu S, Jiang BJ Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 570, 143, 2020 |
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Heat-treatment-induced development of the crystalline structure and chemical stoichiometry of a CuxS counter electrode, and the influence on performance of quantum-dot-sensitized solar cells Deng JP, Zhang PC, Li L, Gou YC, Fang JF, Lei YL, Song XH, Yang Z Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 579, 805, 2020 |
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폴리에틸렌이민 전처리와 황화구리 무전해 도금에 의한 전기전도성 면섬유의 제조 김예원, 양대혁, 김영호 Polymer(Korea), 44(3), 349, 2020 |