연구자 : 이승범 (단국대학교)
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알팔파 및 무환자나무열매로부터 천연유화제의 추출: CCD-RSM을 이용한 최적화 홍세흠, 이승범 Applied Chemistry for Engineering, 33(3), 272, 2022 |
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CCD-RSM을 이용한 시벅턴 오일의 탈색공정 최적화 및 자외선 흡수능력 평가 홍세흠, 정윈페이, 이승범 Applied Chemistry for Engineering, 32(1), 61, 2021 |
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마이크로웨이브 에너지를 이용한 레몬그라스로부터 플라보노이드 성분의 추출: `CCD-RSM을 이용한 최적화 유봉호, 장현식, 이승범 Applied Chemistry for Engineering, 32(2), 168, 2021 |
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밀싹 추출물이 함유된 Cosmeceuticals의 제조: CCD-RSM을 이용한 유화안정성 최적화 장현식, 마시샹, 이승범 Applied Chemistry for Engineering, 32(3), 320, 2021 |
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밀배아유 원료 O/W 유화액의 제조 및 안정성평가: CCD-RSM을 이용한 최적화 홍세흠, 장현식, 이승범 Applied Chemistry for Engineering, 32(5), 562, 2021 |
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Tween-Span계 혼합계면활성제를 이용한 Coconut Oil 원료 O/W 유화액의 제조 : CCD-RSM을 이용한 최적화 유봉호, 주카이양, 줘청량, 이승범 Applied Chemistry for Engineering, 31(1), 19, 2020 |
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천연오일로부터 내화학성이 향상된 에폭시계 수지용 반응성 희석제의 제조 : CCD-RSM을 이용한 최적화 유봉호, 장현식, 이승범 Applied Chemistry for Engineering, 31(2), 147, 2020 |
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회화나무꽃 추출물이 함유된 Cosmeceuticals의 제조: Box-Behnken 설계모델을 이용한 최적화 유봉호, 줘청량, 이승범 Applied Chemistry for Engineering, 31(4), 404, 2020 |
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녹차추출물이 함유된 천연 자외선차단 크림의 제조: CCD-RSM을 이용한 최적화 이승범, 줘청량, 쉬양, 홍인권 Applied Chemistry for Engineering, 31(5), 532, 2020 |
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강황과 울금으로부터 추출된 커큐민의 색도분석 : 반응표면분석법을 이용한 최적화 유봉호, 장현식, 이승범 Applied Chemistry for Engineering, 30(4), 421, 2019 |
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Tween-Span계 비이온성 혼합계면활성제를 이용한 Coconut Oil 원료 유화액의 유화안정성 평가 홍세흠, 주카이양, 줘청량, 이승범 Applied Chemistry for Engineering, 30(4), 453, 2019 |
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반응표면분석법을 이용한 Coconut Oil 원료 O/W 유화액의 유화안정성 최적화 유봉호, 줘청량, 이승범 Applied Chemistry for Engineering, 30(5), 530, 2019 |
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비이온성 혼합계면활성제를 이용한 O/W 유화액의 제조 : CCD-RSM을 이용한 최적화 이승범, 리광종, 줘청량, 홍인권 Applied Chemistry for Engineering, 30(5), 606, 2019 |
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천연색소 추출공정 최적화를 위한 반응표면분석법의 적용 이승범, 이원재, 홍인권 Applied Chemistry for Engineering, 29(3), 283, 2018 |
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반응표면분석법을 이용한 안젤리카로부터 폴리페놀 성분의 추출공정 최적화 이승범, 박보라, 홍인권 Applied Chemistry for Engineering, 29(3), 325, 2018 |
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Brij계 비이온성 혼합유화제를 이용하여 제조된 화장용크림 O/W 유화액의 유화안정성 박보라, 이승민, 최준호, 이승범 Applied Chemistry for Engineering, 29(4), 440, 2018 |
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중심합성계획모델을 이용한 밀싹으로부터 플라보노이드성분의 추출공정 최적화 이승범, 왕효정, 유봉호 Applied Chemistry for Engineering, 29(4), 446, 2018 |
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초음파에너지를 이용한 칡으로부터 이소플라보노이드의 추출공정 최적화 이승범, 김수인, 홍인권 Applied Chemistry for Engineering, 29(5), 503, 2018 |
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초음파 추출공정을 이용한 닥나무로부터 항산화성분의 추출공정 최적화 이승범, 박보라, 유봉호 Applied Chemistry for Engineering, 29(5), 565, 2018 |
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Effects of HLB value on oil-in-water emulsions: Droplet size, rheological behavior, zeta-potential, and creaming index Hong IK, Kim SI, Lee SB Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 67, 123, 2018 |
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밀싹으로부터 플라보노이드성분의 초음파 추출 : 중심합성계획모델을 이용한 최적화 이승범, 왕효정, 홍인권 Applied Chemistry for Engineering, 29(6), 663, 2018 |
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닥나무 추출물이 함유된 Cosmeceuticals의 제조: 중심합성계획모델을 이용한 최적화 홍세흠, 박보라, 이승범 Applied Chemistry for Engineering, 29(6), 682, 2018 |
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마이크로웨이브 에너지를 이용한 폐식용유 원료 바이오디젤의 제조: Box-Behnken 설계를 이용한 최적화 이승범, 장현식, 유봉호 Applied Chemistry for Engineering, 29(6), 746, 2018 |
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방화용 실란트의 내화성 향상을 위한 첨가제로서 팽창흑연의 개질 홍인권, 이원재, 임현석, 이승범 Applied Chemistry for Engineering, 28(4), 437, 2017 |
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반응표면분석법을 이용한 감잎과 엉겅퀴로부터 항산화성분의 추출공정 최적화 이승범, 장현식, 홍인권 Applied Chemistry for Engineering, 28(4), 442, 2017 |
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중심합성계획모델을 이용한 폐식용유 원료 바이오디젤 제조공정의 최적화 홍세흠, 이원재, 이승범 Applied Chemistry for Engineering, 28(5), 559, 2017 |
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환원-산화법을 이용한 리드프레임 에칭폐액의 정제과정 설계 이승범, 전길송, 정래윤, 홍인권 Applied Chemistry for Engineering, 27(1), 21, 2016 |
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천연물로부터 여성갱년기 증상완화를 위한 식물성 에스트로겐의 초음파 추출특성 이승범, 박소연, 전길송, 홍인권 Applied Chemistry for Engineering, 27(2), 217, 2016 |
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Preparation of waste cooking oil based biodiesel using microwave irradiation energy Hong IK, Jeon H, Kim H, Lee SB Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 42, 107, 2016 |
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감잎, 엉겅퀴, 뉴그린으로부터 플라보노이드성분의 추출 홍인권, 박보라, 전길송, 이승범 Applied Chemistry for Engineering, 27(3), 276, 2016 |
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마이크로웨이브 에너지를 이용한 안젤리카로부터 유효성분의 추출 이승범, 김훈기, 전길송, 홍인권 Applied Chemistry for Engineering, 27(3), 280, 2016 |
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소목, 치자, 쑥으로부터 추출된 천연염료의 색도분석 이승범, 강혜진, 박명선 Applied Chemistry for Engineering, 27(3), 325, 2016 |
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비이온성 혼합유화제를 이용한 화장용 크림 유화액의 유화안정성 평가 홍인권, 김수인, 박보라, 최준호, 이승범 Applied Chemistry for Engineering, 27(5), 527, 2016 |
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열가소성 차선도장에서 반사유리알의 함침특성 홍인권, 이창근, 이승범 Applied Chemistry for Engineering, 26(2), 199, 2015 |
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Fuel properties of canola oil and lard biodiesel blends: Higher heating value, oxidative stability, and kinematic viscosity Hong IK, Lee JR, Lee SB Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 22, 335, 2015 |
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Extraction of natural dye from Gardenia and chromaticity analysis according to chi parameter Hong IK, Jeon H, Lee SB Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 24, 326, 2015 |
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재귀반사도 개선을 위한 MMA계 열경화성 차선도료의 설계 이승범, 이창근, 홍인권 Applied Chemistry for Engineering, 26(4), 439, 2015 |
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증량제 혼합비율에 따른 네온변압기의 열내구성 평가 홍인권, 전길송, 이승범 Applied Chemistry for Engineering, 26(4), 452, 2015 |
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목질계 셀룰로오스 에탄올 생산공정에서 전처리과정의 설계 김형진, 이승범 Applied Chemistry for Engineering, 26(4), 511, 2015 |
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Effect of mixed alcohol reactants on ultrasonic alcoholysis of canola oil Hong IK, Jeon H, Lee SB Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 20(3), 911, 2014 |
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Comparison of red, brown and green seaweeds on enzymatic saccharification process Hong IK, Jeon H, Lee SB Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 20(5), 2687, 2014 |
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재활용 상온아스콘 혼합물의 최적 결합재 개발 홍인권, 전길송, 양창배, 이승범 Applied Chemistry for Engineering, 25(4), 409, 2014 |
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돈지와 대두유를 이용한 바이오디젤 제조에서 메탄올과 에탄올의 혼합효과 이승범, 김형진 Applied Chemistry for Engineering, 25(5), 515, 2014 |
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과일껍질을 이용한 바이오에탄올 생산 공정에서 산 가수분해 및 효소당화의 영향 이승범, 김형진 Applied Chemistry for Engineering, 25(6), 619, 2014 |
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Prediction of biodiesel fuel properties from fatty acid alkyl ester Hong IK, Jeon GS, Lee SB Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 20(4), 2348, 2014 |
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Balancing of plating solution in CuCN electroplating process Hong IK, Park JW, Lee SB Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 20(5), 3068, 2014 |
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Alcoholysis of canola oil using a short-chain (C1.C3) alcohols Hong IK, Park JW, Kim H, Lee SB Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 20(5), 3689, 2014 |
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Optimization of barrel plating process for electroless Ni-P plating Hong IK, Kim H, Lee SB Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 20(5), 3767, 2014 |
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Optimization of fish-oil-based biodiesel synthesis Hong IK, Park JW, Lee SB Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 19(3), 764, 2013 |
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Prediction of solubility parameter from intrinsic viscosity Han KH, Jeon GS, Hong IK, Lee SB Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 19(4), 1130, 2013 |
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Diluent filler particle size effect for thermal stability of epoxy type resin Lee SB, Lee HJ, Hong IK Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 18(2), 635, 2012 |
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Barrel plating process specification for undercoating with copper cyanate Han KH, Lee SB, Hong IK Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 18(3), 888, 2012 |
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Selection of thinner for epoxy type resins for neon transformer housing Hong IK, Yoon YS, Lee SB Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 18(6), 1997, 2012 |
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커피가루를 이용한 바이오디젤의 제조공정 최적화 라주희, 이승범, 이재동 Applied Chemistry for Engineering, 22(1), 72, 2011 |
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셀룰로오스 에탄올 생산공정에서 리그닌의 제거특성 이유나, 이승범, 이재동 Applied Chemistry for Engineering, 22(1), 77, 2011 |
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초음파가 도입된 전이에스테르화 반응을 이용한 돈지원료 바이오디젤의 제조 조혜진, 이승범, 이재동 Applied Chemistry for Engineering, 22(2), 155, 2011 |
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Ultrasonic energy effect on vegetable oil based biodiesel synthetic process Lee SB, Lee JD, Hong IK Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 17(1), 138, 2011 |
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Thermal deformation of epoxy type resin for neon transformer housing Lee SB, Hong IK Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 17(3), 404, 2011 |
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Phase Behavior of Sick House Syndrome(SHS) Chemicals Lee SB, Shin MK, Hong IK Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 17(3), 554, 2011 |
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도금 전처리공정에서 맞춤형 알칼리계 탈지제 개발 이승범, 정구형, 이재동 Applied Chemistry for Engineering, 21(3), 301, 2010 |
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산당화과정을 이용한 볏짚으로부터 셀룰로스 에탄올의 제조 이승범, 정수경, 이재동 Applied Chemistry for Engineering, 21(3), 349, 2010 |
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Optimum process and energy density analysis of canola oil biodiesel synthesis Lee SB, Han KH, Lee JD, Hong IK Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 16(6), 1006, 2010 |
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식물성유지의 에스테르화반응에서 초음파에너지 효과 분석 이승범, 이재동 Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 20(5), 532, 2009 |
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활성화 공정을 경유한 폐각의 흡착특성 이승범, 홍인권 Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 19(4), 439, 2008 |
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Tin-Cobalt 합금 도금공정에서 도금물성 향상을 위한 최적 용액조성 디자인 Lee SB, Hong IK Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 17(2), 150, 2006 |
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Dependence of Particle Size Distribution on the Activation Energy in an Ultrasound-Assisted Synthetic Process Kim WI, Lee SB, Hong IK Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 10(5), 845, 2004 |
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Preparation of Pt/Carbon Catalyst by Colloidal Method and Performance Evaluation Hong IK, Lee SB Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 9(4), 366, 2003 |
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Catalytic Oxidation of VOC Mixtures in Supercritical Fluid Media Lee SB, Hong IK Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 9(5), 590, 2003 |
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초음파가 도입된 용매추출공정에서 에너지 밀도 분석 이승범, 이승문, 홍인권 Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 14(7), 989, 2003 |
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고주파 유도가열 원리를 이용한 기상반응기 가열효과 분석 이승범, 홍인권, 천지득 Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 13(4), 385, 2002 |
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UV/TiO2 광촉매 공정을 이용한 BTX의 분해 특성 정기원, 이승범, 홍인권 Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 13(6), 524, 2002 |
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Selective Catalytic Oxidation of Volatile Organic Solvent Mixtures Lee SB, Chung KW, Hong IK, Kim HJ Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 7(4), 193, 2001 |
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아마란스유 추출공정에서 초음파 에너지의 효과 분석 김원일, 정기원, 이승범, 홍인권, 박경애 Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 12(3), 307, 2001 |
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초임계 반응매개에서 BTX 촉매산화의 산소몰농도 효과 이승범, 김진모, 홍인권, 김형진 Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 12(5), 511, 2001 |
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마이크로웨이브 에너지를 도입한 Styrene/Acrylonitrile 공중합 특성 이경모, 이승범, 홍인권 Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 12(5), 569, 2001 |
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Kinetic Characterization of Thermal Degradation Process for Commercial Rubbers Kim WI, Kim SD, Lee SB, Hong IK Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 6(5), 348, 2000 |
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초임계유체와 마이크로웨이브를 이용한 선택적 추출공정 평가 박경애, 이승범, 홍인권 Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 11(6), 566, 2000 |
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마이크로웨이브 에너지가 도입된 유화중합특성 김원일, 이승범, 홍인권 Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 11(7), 706, 2000 |
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마이크로웨이브 에너지를 이용한 현미유 추출공정 평가 이승범, 이경모, 박경애, 홍인권 Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 11(1), 99, 2000 |
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Catalytic Oxidation Kinetics of Vapor Phase BTX over Pt/γ-Al2O3 Lee SB, Kang SL, Lee JD, Hong IK Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 5(3), 170, 1999 |
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Depolymerization Behavior for cis-Polyisoprene Rubber in Supercritical Tetrahydrofuran Lee SB, Hong IK Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 4(1), 26, 1998 |
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Silicone Rubber Membrane Preparation by Supercritical Fluid Extraction Method Lee SB, Kim HJ, Jung IH, Hong IK Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 1(1), 83, 1995 |